Friday, December 12, 2008

Make A Wish Christmas Party

The Make A Wish Foundation invited us to their "Cookies with Santa" event. It was a lot of fun and the kids got to sit on santa's lap. Well, not all the kids, Andrew would only stand next to him, and Garrett wouldn't sit on his lap, so santa sat on his. For several weeks now, when asked what she wanted for Christmas, Brynlee would first say "candy." and then say a doll. When we arrived at the event, Brynlee wouldn't sit on Santa's lap either, so Kenzie went up and sat on his lap, while she was replying to Santa's question of "What do you want for Christmas, Bryn shouted, "Tell him you want candy!!"
After eating cookies and telling Santa what they wanted, everyone watched Charlie Brown Christmas and then Santa read "The Night Before Christmas" for everyone, and then as everyone left to go home, he handed everyone a stocking. The kids all ate their stocking candy on the drive home, and a couple fell asleep on the way. When I got Bryn out of the car, she was sound asleep, she woke only long enough to be placed on the stairs, then fell asleep, in a classic Brynlee odd sleeping position.

Speaking of Make A Wish...Bryn has her appointment to make her wish, Dec. 22. The plan is Disneyworld, but she could give some oddball wish, like asking for candy, so we won't know for sure until that time. We'll let you know!!!

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